The Glitz and Glamour of Celebrity Brand Endorsements in Bollywood

In the world of marketing and brand promotion, celebrity endorsements have long been a powerful tool. In India, this trend is especially pronounced within the Bollywood film industry, where actors and actresses not only captivate audiences with their on-screen performances but also wield significant influence off-screen. The symbiotic relationship between Bollywood celebrities and brands has created a multi-billion dollar industry that benefits both parties: brands gain instant recognition and credibility, while celebrities enjoy lucrative deals and enhanced public visibility.

The Power of Bollywood

Bollywood, the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, is one of the largest centers of film production in the world. The stars of Bollywood are not just actors; they are cultural icons whose influence extends beyond the silver screen. Their fan base is vast and passionate, encompassing millions of people across India and the global Indian diaspora. This widespread appeal makes Bollywood celebrities ideal candidates for brand endorsements.

Historical Context

The concept of celebrity endorsements in India dates back to the late 20th century, but it gained significant momentum in the 1990s. This era saw Bollywood actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Aishwarya Rai becoming the faces of major brands. Companies realized that associating their products with beloved stars could create an emotional connection with consumers, driving sales and brand loyalty.

The Psychology Behind Celebrity Endorsements

The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements can be attributed to several psychological factors:

  1. Trust and Credibility: Celebrities are perceived as trustworthy figures. When a beloved actor endorses a product, their fans are more likely to believe in the quality and reliability of that product.
  2. Identification and Aspiration: Fans often aspire to emulate their favorite stars. By using products endorsed by celebrities, consumers feel a sense of closeness and identification with them.
  3. Attention and Recall: Celebrity endorsements capture attention quickly and enhance the recall value of advertisements. A familiar face ensures that the brand message is noticed and remembered.

Modern Trends and Strategies

In recent years, the landscape of celebrity endorsements in Bollywood has evolved with changing market dynamics and technological advancements. Some key trends include:

  1. Digital and Social Media Influence: With the rise of social media platforms, Bollywood celebrities have a direct line of communication with their fans. Brands leverage this by having celebrities promote products on their social media accounts, ensuring immediate and widespread reach.
  2. Brand Ambassadorships: Long-term brand ambassadorships have become common, where celebrities represent a brand for an extended period. This creates a stronger association between the star and the brand, reinforcing brand loyalty.
  3. Diverse Endorsements: Celebrities today endorse a wide range of products, from luxury items and fashion brands to everyday consumer goods. This diversification allows brands to tap into different segments of the market.
  4. Personal Branding and Authenticity: Modern consumers value authenticity. Celebrities who endorse products that align with their personal brand and values are perceived as more genuine. This has led to more selective endorsements, with stars choosing brands that reflect their lifestyle and beliefs.

Successful Celebrity Endorsement Campaigns

Several Bollywood celebrities have successfully leveraged their star power to create impactful endorsement campaigns:

  • Shah Rukh Khan: Known as the “King of Bollywood,” Shah Rukh Khan has endorsed a variety of brands, including Pepsi, Hyundai, and Lux. His charismatic and relatable persona makes him a perfect brand ambassador.
  • Deepika Padukone: An advocate for mental health, Deepika Padukone’s endorsements often reflect her personal beliefs. Brands like Nike and Tanishq have benefited from her association, which adds a layer of credibility and relatability.
  • Amitabh Bachchan: The legendary Amitabh Bachchan has been a trusted face for decades, endorsing brands like Cadbury, Dabur, and ICICI. His enduring appeal transcends generations, making him a reliable choice for endorsements.

Challenges and Considerations

While celebrity endorsements are highly effective, they come with their own set of challenges:

  1. Risk of Overexposure: When a celebrity endorses too many products, their credibility can diminish. Brands must ensure that the endorsement feels exclusive and special.
  2. Scandals and Controversies: Celebrities are public figures who can be involved in controversies. Such incidents can negatively impact the brands they endorse. Brands need to manage these risks carefully.
  3. Cost: Hiring top Bollywood celebrities can be incredibly expensive. Brands must weigh the potential return on investment against the cost of the endorsement deal.


Celebrity endorsements in Bollywood remain a potent marketing strategy. The allure of Bollywood stars, combined with their ability to connect with a broad and diverse audience, ensures that this trend will continue to thrive. As brands and celebrities navigate this dynamic landscape, the focus will likely shift towards more authentic and meaningful collaborations that resonate with the evolving preferences of consumers. For now, the glamour of Bollywood continues to shine brightly in the world of brand endorsements, creating a fascinating interplay between entertainment and com

Approach Entertainment & Go Spiritual India Launch Extensive Blanket Donation Campaign for the Needy in  North India

Approach Entertainment & Go Spiritual India Launch Extensive Blanket Donation Campaign for the Needy in  North India

Mumbai: In an altruistic collaboration, Approach Entertainment, an acclaimed Celebrity Management & Films Productions company & Go Spiritual India, a benevolent spiritual organization, have initiated a poignant Blankets Donation Campaign as the chilly winter season blankets North India. This compassionate campaign aims to orchestrate blanket, clothing, and food donation drives for the underprivileged in major cities of North India. This collaborative effort echoes Go Spiritual India’s ongoing commitment to fostering warmth and care since the inception of its blanket donation campaign in 2017.

The primary objective of this campaign is to raise awareness about the harsh reality faced by the homeless and destitute during winters while inspiring individuals to contribute blankets, clothing, or food either directly or through Go Spiritual India’s facilitation. Approach Communications has taken charge of managing PR, digital outreach, and communications for this noble cause, while Approach Entertainment is diligently involved in producing impactful videos, engaging celebrities, influencers, organizing events, and associated activities to mobilize support.

Go Spiritual India stands as a Charitable Spiritual organization dedicated to various noble causes such as Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Mental Health, Wellness, and Social Causes. For the past five years, the organization has been actively involved in combating hunger through food donation programs. Upcoming ventures include the launch of the Go Spiritual India Digital Magazine, soon to be followed by a Print Magazine and a dedicated TV platform. The organization strongly believes that spiritual growth intertwines with selfless charity, as ancient Hindu scriptures emphasize the significance of generosity and service to all beings.

The appeal from Go Spiritual India reaches out to all individuals, urging them to step forward and contribute blankets or collaborate in donating to those in need during the biting cold months. Donations, be it in monetary terms, material goods, or volunteering efforts, are encouraged and welcomed.

Furthermore, Go Spiritual India encourages communities to take up this cause autonomously, advocating for local distribution of blankets to extend support to as many individuals as possible. The collaboration between Go Spiritual India, Approach Entertainment, and Approach Communications underlines a joint commitment to alleviate the struggles of the less fortunate.

Sonu Tyagi , Approach Entertainment

Commenting on the Blanket Donation Initiative, Sonu Tyagi, Founder, Go Spiritual India said “Amidst the biting winter chill, our commitment to compassion and service remains unwavering. The Blanket Donation Campaign stands not just as an initiative but a testament to our collective responsibility towards the less fortunate. Together with Approach Entertainment and our dedicated volunteers, we aim to blanket North India with warmth and hope, touching lives and saving souls. Let us extend our hands, hearts, and resources to make this winter a season of giving and healing for those in need.”

Despite the absence of official nationwide records of winter-related deaths, data collected by NGOs reveals alarming numbers. In 2021, over 512 individuals reportedly lost their lives due to harsh winters in Delhi alone, with thousands more across the country. The estimated homeless population in India has surged to at least 26 crores in 2022, underscoring the dire situation, particularly in North India.

Go Spiritual India’s relentless campaign to distribute blankets serves as a lifeline for many vulnerable individuals, especially in regions where winter poses severe challenges. This year, the endeavor aims to extend its reach to cover all cities in North India, building upon previous efforts in Delhi, Jalandhar, Jaipur, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Shimla, and Ludhiana. The volunteer team continues to inspire and motivate others to participate in this noble cause.

Initiated by Sonu Tyagi and powered by Approach Entertainment, Go Spiritual India remains dedicated to charitable and spiritual endeavors. Their efforts during the lockdown, providing free meals to the impoverished, and their persistent drive to distribute blankets during harsh winters underline their commitment to serving humanity.

Sonu Tyagi, an acclaimed writer-director leading Go Spiritual India & Approach Entertainment, brings a wealth of experience from his illustrious tenure in top-tier Indian advertising and media firms. Tyagi’s academic pursuits encompass a psychology degree complemented by advanced studies in Advertising, Journalism, and Film Making. This diverse knowledge base serves as the driving force behind the group’s dynamic expansion and innovative strides.

Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity, Mental Health, Wellness, Organic, Spiritual Tourism, Events, Media, and Social Causes.

Approach Entertainment stands as an acclaimed hub for Celebrity Management, Film Productions, Advertising & Corporate Film solutions, Films Marketing, Events & Entertainment Marketing Company.  Approach Communications operates as a prominent PR & Integrated Communications agency catering to diverse sectors like Corporate, Healthcare, Entertainment, Finance, Education, and Social domains. With a rapidly expanding presence in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Kolkata, Dehradun, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, and Jalandhar, Approach Entertainment Group operates at the forefront of entertainment, media, and communications. Additionally, the group boasts a specialized Bollywood Newswire & Content Dissemination unit known as Approach Bollywood.

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Approach Entertainment / Go Spiritual India

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“Bold and Beautiful” Fame Hollywood Actor Clayton Norcross and Award-Winning Writer-Director Sonu Tyagi Unite Spiritually in India

“Bold and Beautiful” Fame Hollywood Actor Clayton Norcross and Award-Winning Writer-Director Sonu Tyagi Unite Spiritually in India

Mumbai, India – Award-winning Indian writer-director Sonu Tyagi recently had the honor of hosting Hollywood actor Clayton Norcross, best known for his role in the popular American soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful,” in a meeting that transcended cultural boundaries and ventured into the realm of spirituality. Their meeting, which took place in the bustling city of Mumbai, extended to exploring the spiritual heart of India, culminating in a trip to the tranquil city of Rishikesh in Uttarakhand.

Sonu Tyagi is the visionary behind “Go Spiritual India,” a charitable spiritual organization, and the creative force behind “Approach Entertainment,” an award-winning celebrity management and film production company.

Sonu Tyagi, celebrated for his work in the Indian film industry, is not just a storyteller in the cinematic sense but also a spiritual seeker. His films often delve into the human spirit and explore deeper metaphysical questions. Recently, Tyagi co-produced a spiritual web series titled “Two Great Masters,” directed by Anurag Sharma, based on Amrit Gupta’s book exploring the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Paramhansa Yogananda. Clayton Norcross, renowned for his iconic portrayal of Thorne Forrester, has long been interested in spirituality and mindfulness, making their connection even more profound.

The two artists found common ground in their shared passion for exploring the spiritual facets of life. During their discussions in Mumbai, they spoke of the interconnectedness of cinema and spirituality, with Tyagi explaining, “Cinema, at its core, is a medium through which we explore the human experience. It often delves into the spiritual, emotional, and philosophical aspects of life.”

Clayton Norcross, who practices meditation and mindfulness, resonated with Tyagi’s perspective. “I’ve always believed that art, be it on the screen or in any other form, has the power to awaken our inner selves. Sonu’s films have that profound effect, and I’m honored to discuss these topics with him,” Norcross shared.

Clayton Norcross in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Clayton Norcross, the renowned actor, found himself on a unique journey in India, celebrating the enduring spiritual traditions that have transcended generations. Initially drawn to India to fully immerse himself in the yoga Ashrams of Rishikesh, he experienced an unexpected delight in Mumbai when he met Sonu. This chance encounter ignited his curiosity about what it would be like to work in the Indian film industry.

Not one to shy away from unconventional roles, Norcross expressed his willingness to take on supporting characters in Indian cultural projects that often depict white actors as sidekicks or antagonists. His recent role as a heartless mercenary soldier in an action-packed film was not only a fulfilling experience but also immense fun. Fans can look forward to the release of “LAST RESORT” on Amazon Prime, where Norcross’s dynamic portrayal is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Their mutual interest in spirituality led to an exciting journey to Rishikesh, a city nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas and known as the ‘Yoga Capital of the World.’ Rishikesh, with its serene atmosphere, ashrams, and the holy Ganges River, has attracted spiritual seekers and yogis from around the globe for centuries. The two spent time exploring the city’s spiritual and cultural offerings, participating in yoga and meditation sessions, and interacting with local sages.

Sonu Tyagi, who has drawn inspiration from his spiritual experiences in Rishikesh for his creative projects, found great joy in introducing Clayton Norcross to this transformative destination. “Rishikesh has always been a source of inspiration for me, and I am thrilled to share this sacred place with Clayton. It’s a hub of spiritual energy and a sanctuary for seekers,” Tyagi expressed.

Clayton Norcross’s visit to India extended beyond his cinematic pursuits. His immersion into the spiritual essence of Rishikesh, the enchanting land of Uttarakhand, and his deep conversations with Tyagi reflect the idea that art, culture, and spirituality can connect individuals across continents and enrich their lives.

The meeting between Sonu Tyagi and Clayton Norcross serves as a reminder of the transformative power of art and spirituality, transcending borders and cultures, leaving a profound impact on their personal and creative lives. It is a testament to the unifying force of shared passions and exploration, reminding us that the search for meaning and spirituality is a universal human endeavor.

Sonu Tyagi, Founder, Approach Entertainment & Go Spiritual India

In addition to his work in the Indian film industry and his spiritual pursuits, Sonu Tyagi is also known for his contributions to the community through his charitable organization, “Go Spiritual India.” This organization is dedicated to promoting spiritual awareness, holistic well-being, and the importance of mindfulness in daily life. Through various initiatives, workshops, and outreach programs, Go Spiritual India aims to inspire individuals to embark on their spiritual journeys and discover the deeper aspects of themselves.

Moreover, Sonu Tyagi has also ventured into the realm of celebrity management and film production through his company, “Approach Entertainment.” Approach Entertainment is an award-winning company in the field of entertainment and media, known for its expertise in managing celebrities, producing films, and organizing events in the entertainment industry.

The intersection of Sonu Tyagi’s spiritual endeavors, cinematic work, and his contributions through Go Spiritual India and Approach Entertainment showcases his multifaceted approach to life, where he uses his creative and spiritual pursuits to bring about positive change in the world. This news release serves as a testament to his commitment to both art and spirituality, highlighting the transformative power of these endeavors.

Go Spiritual India is a charitable spiritual organization that tirelessly works for philanthropy, spiritual awareness, mental health, spiritual tourism, spiritual media, events, organic wellness, and social causes.

Approach Entertainment is an award-winning Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising and Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events & Entertainment Company. Group entity Approach Communications is a leading PR and integrated Communications agency serving the corporate, healthcare, entertainment, finance, education, and social sectors. Approach Entertainment Group has received recognition, including The Biz India 2010 Award from the World Confederation of Business and the Service Excellence Award from the World Marketing Organization, along with the PR Company of the Year Award in Business Tycoon Awards. The group has a presence in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Dehradun, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and Jalandhar.

Go Spiritual India Relaunches Nationwide ‘Go Vegetarian’ Campaign on World Vegetarian Day 2023, Approach Entertainment is PR & Entertainment Partner

Go Spiritual India Relaunches Nationwide ‘Go Vegetarian’ Campaign on World Vegetarian Day 2023, Approach Entertainment is PR & Entertainment Partner

Mumbai: On the auspicious occasion of World Vegetarian Day, celebrated annually on October 1st, it’s time for deep reflection. We must ask ourselves whether sacrificing the lives of animals for our sustenance is truly necessary. Is meat consumption a fundamental requirement for humanity? To understand the importance of this day, let’s briefly explore its history: World Vegetarian Day was established in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) and has since gained global recognition for its message of compassion and benevolence towards animals. The worldwide adoption of vegetarian and vegan lifestyles has been steadily growing over the years.

Go Spiritual India, India’s Leading Charitable Spiritual Organization, is proud to relaunch its nationwide ‘Go Vegetarian’ campaign on this World Vegetarian Day in 2023. The campaign initially debuted in 2022. Go Spiritual India is committed to philanthropy, spiritual enlightenment, social causes, spiritual tourism, media, organics, spiritual events, mental health, and wellness. At its helm is Sonu Tyagi, an award-winning writer, director, and producer with a diverse background spanning film, journalism, advertising, and psychology. He also leads Approach Entertainment, India’s prominent film production and celebrity Management Company, along with Approach Communications, a media and communications firm.

Go Spiritual India is set for an array of exciting initiatives, starting with the rollout of the Go Spiritual India Monthly Print Magazine and its digital counterpart. Following this, Go Spiritual India has plans to launch Go Spiritual India Web TV & OTT. In addition to media ventures, Go Spiritual India aims to diversify its portfolio by offering a range of products and services in wellness, mental health, Ayurveda, and food categories via its dedicated e-commerce platform. Moreover, the organization is actively developing events and retreats to advance the cause of Indian spirituality on a global scale.

Sonu Tyagi’s profound connection with the spiritual realm inspired the establishment of Go Spiritual India. Their mission is to reach a global audience through various mediums, such as media, social media, digital platforms, films, events, and a vast network of volunteers. Their primary goals include promoting vegetarianism, advocating for kindness towards animals, and spreading Indian spirituality worldwide.

You may wonder about the connection between spirituality and vegetarianism. Beyond the avoidance of unnecessary violence towards animals, the meat industry has a significant adverse impact on the environment and sustainability. Indian spirituality is rooted in the belief that all living beings possess a soul (Atma), an integral part of the Supreme Being (Param Atma), or what some may refer to as God. As all souls are interconnected through the Param Atma, spirituality involves an expansion of consciousness aimed at merging the individual Atma with the Param Atma. Consequently, compassion and detached love for all living beings are essential aspects of one’s spiritual journey.

Go Spiritual India Intro Film

Sonu Tyagi, Founder, Go Spiritual India & Approach Entertainment

Consuming healthy, guilt-free food is a crucial facet of this spiritual journey. Whether consciously acknowledged or not, the act of slaughtering animals for food and consuming their carcasses can evoke a sense of guilt, even if it lingers in one’s subconscious. This guilt can hinder spiritual growth. Spirituality teaches us to respect all of God’s creation and emphasizes that animals are an integral part of it. Kindness towards animals stems from the innate compassion within humans, even when it’s consciously overlooked.

With this understanding, Go Spiritual India has been actively promoting vegetarianism and compassion for homeless animals in India. On World Vegetarian Day, their campaign aims to expand its reach both within India and globally. Go Spiritual India, a prominent spiritual and social service organization engaged in various philanthropic activities, emphasizes service towards the poor, underprivileged, and animals alike. Spirituality teaches us to be kind not only to humanity but to all of nature, respecting the creation of the Supreme Being.

Founder Sonu Tyagi reiterates the organization’s mission to raise awareness about the greatness of Indian culture, traditions, spirituality, and compassion. Go Spiritual India plans to take its spiritual philosophy and ‘Go Vegetarian’ campaign to a global scale, engaging volunteers, media, and social media from around the world, creating digital content and films for this noble cause.

Go Spiritual India has also been actively involved in charitable work, including efforts to eradicate hunger and distribute essentials like blankets to the less fortunate. Their ‘Bhookh Mitao Campaign’ focuses on providing food to the hungry and encourages food item donations, supported by corporate organizations and spiritual individuals. Additionally, they run annual blanket donation drives to assist the homeless during harsh North Indian winters, garnering support from volunteers and Bollywood celebrities alike.

In addition to their humanitarian efforts, Go Spiritual India promotes compassion towards animals. This message of mercy towards animals has gained significant traction, leading many to embrace vegetarianism and compassion for all living beings.

Go Spiritual India is gaining recognition through its philanthropic and spiritual activities. All their campaigns have received widespread support and financial backing, propelling the organization forward. Their mission seeks to eliminate meat consumption worldwide, highlighting its health risks and environmental impact. Efforts to justify taking animal lives are seen as hypocritical.

Social activist Prem Agrawal, associated with Go Spiritual India, asserts that human bodies are not naturally designed to digest meat. He points out that while carnivorous animals do not chew their food, herbivores, including humans, do. According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, vegetarian food is ideal for maintaining health, a concept supported by yoga for overall well-being. Human physiology necessitates chewing food before ingestion, indicating that the human body is naturally inclined toward a vegetarian diet. However, many people worldwide consume meat primarily for pleasure and indulgence.

Sonu Tyagi appeals to all to remove meat from their plates and transition to a healthier, naturally vegetarian diet. The ‘Go Vegetarian’ campaign by Go Spiritual India seeks to create awareness and inspire individuals to make this transformative change, not just for their well-being but also for the compassion and respect they owe to all living beings and the environment.

Approach Communications is handling PR and communications for Go Spiritual India, while social media and digital marketing are being managed by Approach Communications Digital division. Approach Entertainment, a company within the Approach Communications Group, oversees all aspects of branded entertainment, celebrity and influencer engagement, film and in-film marketing, events, film productions, and all entertainment marketing activities for Go Spiritual India.

Approach Entertainment is an award-winning Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising and Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events & Entertainment Company. Group entity Approach Communications is a leading PR and integrated Communications agency serving the corporate, healthcare, entertainment, finance, education, and social sectors. Approach Entertainment Group has received recognition, including The Biz India 2010 Award from the World Confederation of Business and the Service Excellence Award from the World Marketing Organization, along with the PR Company of the Year Award in Business Tycoon Awards. The group has a presence in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Dehradun, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and Jalandhar.

For More Info:

Sonu Tyagi 9820965004 / 9716962242

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मथुरा के प्रेम अग्रवाल के भजन ‘ मेरे कान्हा लौटा दे ‘ को जल्द रिलीज़ करेंगे गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया, एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट

मथुरा मूल के मुंबई निवासी  प्रेम अग्रवाल की कई पहचान हैं। एक वैज्ञानिक, बेहद सफल व्यापारी, लेखक, योगी, परोपकारक  और भगवान कृष्ण के वैज्ञानिक रूप के पुजारी प्रेम ने अपनी एक और प्रतिभा को लोगों के सामने रखा है। मथुरा में जन्मे ब्रज की गलियों में खेल कर बड़े हुए प्रेम अग्रवाल ने अपने बचपन के दिनों में भगवान कृष्ण की यादों को भजन की शक्ल में पिरोया है। प्रेम अग्रवाल  ने ‘ मेरे कान्हा लौटा दे ‘ के बोल बहुत ही खूबसूरती से लिखे है जिसमे कृष्ण की भक्ति भी है और मथुरा में बिताये उनके बचपन की यादें भी है। भजन के बोल स्वत: ही श्रोता को भावनात्मक कर जाते है।

Prem Agrawal, Brijwasi Biotech

गो स्प्रिच्युअल इंडिया और एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट ने एक साथ एक मंच पर आकर इस भजन के खूबसूरत बोलों को सुरों से सजाया है। वहीं एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट इस भजन पर एक वीडियो भी तैयार करने जा रहा है जो की मथुरा में ही शूट किया जायेगा। फिलहाल भजन के संगीत पर काम चल रहा है और जल्द ही इसे रिकॉर्ड किया जायेगा। भजन  का संगीत अमोल पाटिल ने दिया है।  ‘ मेरे कान्हा लौटा दे ‘ को सभी डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म्स, म्यूजिक  और आध्यात्मिक टीवी चँनलो  पर जल्द ही रिलीज़ किया जायेगा

भगवान श्री कृष्ण हिंदु धर्म में सबसे ज्यादा लोकप्रिय माने जाते हैं। बच्चों की बाल लीलाओं की तुलना बाल गोपाल की शरारतों से की जाती है। कालिया मर्दन से लेकर पूतना वध ना जाने कितने राक्षसों का वध उन्होंने अपनी बाल लीलाओं में कर डाला था। उनका  प्रेमी के तौर पर भी किशन कन्हैय्या का चंचल चित्त प्रेम का प्रतीक बना हुआ है। मगर मीरा उनके इसी रूप की दीवानी होकर विष भी पी गई और उन्हीं की मूर्ति में समा गई।

उनकी बांसुरी की तान मनुष्यों से लेकर गाय-हिरणों तक को सम्मोहित कर लेती थी। योगियों के लिए वो योगेश्वर हैं तो शिक्षा में उन्होंने मृत्यू को सार्थक करते हुए गीता का ज्ञान दिया। सूरदास से लेकर रहीम और रसखान तक कृष्ण भक्ति में अपनी कलम डुबाकर लेखनी को सार्थक करते रहे। अध्यात्म में कृष्ण के जीवन और गीता का बहुत ज्यादा महत्त्व है।

मगर मथुरा के सफल कारोबारी, लेखक और आध्यात्मिक प्रवर्ति वाले  प्रेम अग्रवाल भगवान श्री कृष्ण के एक अन्य रूप के उपासक हैं। प्रेम अग्रवाल भगवान श्रीकृष्ण को वैज्ञानिक के तौर पर देखते हैं और उसी रूप में पूजा करते हैं। बृजवासी के आउट लेट से पूरे देश में अपने मथुरा के स्वाद का परचम लहरा चुके प्रेम अग्रवाल ने अब श्रीकृष्ण की लीलाओं को भजन में पिरोया है। हालांकि खुद प्रेम अग्रवाल दावा करते हैं कि उनके भजनों में भगवान द्वारकाधीश नहीं बल्कि मथुरा के गोपाल ही दिखाई देंगे। उनके इस भजन को सुरों से सजाते हुए एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट ने इसके लिए जल्द वीडियो  भी तैयार कर रही है और जल्द ही इसकी ग्रैंड लॉन्चिंग भी की जाएगी .

इन भजनों के लेखक  मथुरा में भगवान कृष्ण की जन्म स्थली में ही पैदा हुए प्रेम अग्रवाल मथुरा के अलावा पूरे हिंदुस्तान में एक मशहूर कारोबारी के तौर पर जाने जाते हैं। मगर प्रेम अग्रवाल ने अपनी ब्रज की पहचान को खुद से कभी अलग नहीं होने दिया और बृजवासी नाम से ही स्वीट्स स्टोर आउटलेट्स की चेन की सफल शुरुआत की। मगर उनकी पहचान सिर्फ स्वाद के इस कारोबार तक ही सिमटी हुई नहीं है। अपने कारोबार से इतर प्रेम अग्रवाल को रिसर्च करना भी काफी पसंद है। उन्होंने भारत सरकार के लिए बायो टॉयलेट्स के लिए अपना प्रोजेक्ट तैयार करके सरकार से काफी तारीफें बटोर चुके हैं।

72 वर्ष की आयू में पहुंच चुके प्रेम अग्रवाल ने खुद को कारोबार और रिसर्च के अपने शौक से रिटायर करने का फैसला लिया है। शुरु से ही धर्म-कर्म और परोपकार में जुटे प्रेम अब अपनी मथुरा की बचपनी की यादों और कृष्ण भक्ति को भजन के बोलों में पिरोने में लगे हैं। गो स्प्रिच्युअल इंडिया से जुड़ कर प्रेम अग्रवाल  आध्यात्मिक  और धार्मिक कार्यों में और बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लेने लगे हैं। वो बताते हैं  कि कई मौकों पर वो भगवान कृष्ण को अपने अंदर महसूस करते हैं। कान्हा की बाल लीलाओं के मुरीद प्रेम अग्रवाल ने इन्हीं यादों को भजन के तौर पर संजोया है।

प्रेम अग्रवाल मानते हैं कि कान्हा बचपन से ही जीनियस थे और एक बेहद सधे हुए वैज्ञानिक थे। मगर अपने मित्रों के लिए वो हर तरह के अहंकार से दूर थे। उन्होंने अपने बाल सखा सुदामा के पैर भी धोने में कोई अपमान नहीं समझा और अर्जुन के लिए रथ के सारथि का किरदार चुना। किसी भी तरह के अहंकार को इतने शानदार तरीके से जीतने का दूसरा उदाहरण पूरे इतिहास में कहीं नहीं मिलता।

एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट  और गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया के संस्थापक   और अवार्ड विनिंग डायरेक्टर सोनू त्यागी बताते हैं कि प्रेम अग्रवाल के साथ भगवान श्री कृष्ण के इस एलबम पर तेजी से काम चल रहा है और जल्द  ही वीडियो के शूट की तैयारी पूरी करने की उम्मीद है। उन्होंने बताया कि गो स्प्रिच्युअल और एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट साथ-साथ एक मंच पर नजर नहीं आते हैं। मगर इस  भजन में आध्यात्मिकता भी है और एंटरटेनमेंट भी इसीलिए इस प्रोजेक्ट में दोनों  संस्थान मिलकर काम कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रेम अग्रवाल के बाकी भजनों को भी संगीत से संवारने से लेकर वीडियो तैयार करने की उनकी योजना है।

Sonu Tyagi, Founder, Go Spiritual India & Approach Entertainment

गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया एक सामाजिक और आध्यात्मिक संस्था है जो की समाज सेवा , आध्यात्मिक जागरूकता , आध्यात्मिक पर्यटन , मीडिया , इवेंट्स , आर्गेनिक उत्पादों , मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और वैलनेस के कार्य करती है।

एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट एक अवार्ड विनिंग अग्रणी सेलिब्रिटी मैनेजमेंट , फिल्म निर्माण , विज्ञापन और कॉर्पोरेट फिल्म निर्माण, इवेंट्स, फिल्म मार्केटिंग और एंटरटेनमेंट मार्केटिंग कंपनी है .जल्द ही गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया एक डिजिटल पत्रिका लांच कर रही है। कुछ दिनों में गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया पत्रिका को मासिक प्रिन्ट रूप में भी लांच किया जायेगा। इसके साथ ही साथ गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया आध्यात्मिकता के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया वेब टीवी भी लांच करेगी जो की भारतीय आध्यात्मिकता को पुरे विश्व में पहुचायेगा। 

गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया के यूट्यूब चैनल को यहाँ देखे और सब्सक्राइब करे

Go Spiritual India :

Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity, Organic, Spiritual Tourism, Events, Media, and Social Causes.

Go Spiritual India is an Initiative of Approach Entertainment. Approach Entertainment is India’s Leading Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment Marketing Company. The company also has a PR & Integrated Communications Agency Approach Communications apart from a Bollywood Newswire, Approach Bollywood.

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