मथुरा के प्रेम अग्रवाल के भजन ‘ मेरे कान्हा लौटा दे ‘ को जल्द रिलीज़ करेंगे गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया, एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट

मथुरा मूल के मुंबई निवासी  प्रेम अग्रवाल की कई पहचान हैं। एक वैज्ञानिक, बेहद सफल व्यापारी, लेखक, योगी, परोपकारक  और भगवान कृष्ण के वैज्ञानिक रूप के पुजारी प्रेम ने अपनी एक और प्रतिभा को लोगों के सामने रखा है। मथुरा में जन्मे ब्रज की गलियों में खेल कर बड़े हुए प्रेम अग्रवाल ने अपने बचपन के दिनों में भगवान कृष्ण की यादों को भजन की शक्ल में पिरोया है। प्रेम अग्रवाल  ने ‘ मेरे कान्हा लौटा दे ‘ के बोल बहुत ही खूबसूरती से लिखे है जिसमे कृष्ण की भक्ति भी है और मथुरा में बिताये उनके बचपन की यादें भी है। भजन के बोल स्वत: ही श्रोता को भावनात्मक कर जाते है।

Prem Agrawal, Brijwasi Biotech

गो स्प्रिच्युअल इंडिया और एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट ने एक साथ एक मंच पर आकर इस भजन के खूबसूरत बोलों को सुरों से सजाया है। वहीं एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट इस भजन पर एक वीडियो भी तैयार करने जा रहा है जो की मथुरा में ही शूट किया जायेगा। फिलहाल भजन के संगीत पर काम चल रहा है और जल्द ही इसे रिकॉर्ड किया जायेगा। भजन  का संगीत अमोल पाटिल ने दिया है।  ‘ मेरे कान्हा लौटा दे ‘ को सभी डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म्स, म्यूजिक  और आध्यात्मिक टीवी चँनलो  पर जल्द ही रिलीज़ किया जायेगा

भगवान श्री कृष्ण हिंदु धर्म में सबसे ज्यादा लोकप्रिय माने जाते हैं। बच्चों की बाल लीलाओं की तुलना बाल गोपाल की शरारतों से की जाती है। कालिया मर्दन से लेकर पूतना वध ना जाने कितने राक्षसों का वध उन्होंने अपनी बाल लीलाओं में कर डाला था। उनका  प्रेमी के तौर पर भी किशन कन्हैय्या का चंचल चित्त प्रेम का प्रतीक बना हुआ है। मगर मीरा उनके इसी रूप की दीवानी होकर विष भी पी गई और उन्हीं की मूर्ति में समा गई।

उनकी बांसुरी की तान मनुष्यों से लेकर गाय-हिरणों तक को सम्मोहित कर लेती थी। योगियों के लिए वो योगेश्वर हैं तो शिक्षा में उन्होंने मृत्यू को सार्थक करते हुए गीता का ज्ञान दिया। सूरदास से लेकर रहीम और रसखान तक कृष्ण भक्ति में अपनी कलम डुबाकर लेखनी को सार्थक करते रहे। अध्यात्म में कृष्ण के जीवन और गीता का बहुत ज्यादा महत्त्व है।

मगर मथुरा के सफल कारोबारी, लेखक और आध्यात्मिक प्रवर्ति वाले  प्रेम अग्रवाल भगवान श्री कृष्ण के एक अन्य रूप के उपासक हैं। प्रेम अग्रवाल भगवान श्रीकृष्ण को वैज्ञानिक के तौर पर देखते हैं और उसी रूप में पूजा करते हैं। बृजवासी के आउट लेट से पूरे देश में अपने मथुरा के स्वाद का परचम लहरा चुके प्रेम अग्रवाल ने अब श्रीकृष्ण की लीलाओं को भजन में पिरोया है। हालांकि खुद प्रेम अग्रवाल दावा करते हैं कि उनके भजनों में भगवान द्वारकाधीश नहीं बल्कि मथुरा के गोपाल ही दिखाई देंगे। उनके इस भजन को सुरों से सजाते हुए एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट ने इसके लिए जल्द वीडियो  भी तैयार कर रही है और जल्द ही इसकी ग्रैंड लॉन्चिंग भी की जाएगी .

इन भजनों के लेखक  मथुरा में भगवान कृष्ण की जन्म स्थली में ही पैदा हुए प्रेम अग्रवाल मथुरा के अलावा पूरे हिंदुस्तान में एक मशहूर कारोबारी के तौर पर जाने जाते हैं। मगर प्रेम अग्रवाल ने अपनी ब्रज की पहचान को खुद से कभी अलग नहीं होने दिया और बृजवासी नाम से ही स्वीट्स स्टोर आउटलेट्स की चेन की सफल शुरुआत की। मगर उनकी पहचान सिर्फ स्वाद के इस कारोबार तक ही सिमटी हुई नहीं है। अपने कारोबार से इतर प्रेम अग्रवाल को रिसर्च करना भी काफी पसंद है। उन्होंने भारत सरकार के लिए बायो टॉयलेट्स के लिए अपना प्रोजेक्ट तैयार करके सरकार से काफी तारीफें बटोर चुके हैं।

72 वर्ष की आयू में पहुंच चुके प्रेम अग्रवाल ने खुद को कारोबार और रिसर्च के अपने शौक से रिटायर करने का फैसला लिया है। शुरु से ही धर्म-कर्म और परोपकार में जुटे प्रेम अब अपनी मथुरा की बचपनी की यादों और कृष्ण भक्ति को भजन के बोलों में पिरोने में लगे हैं। गो स्प्रिच्युअल इंडिया से जुड़ कर प्रेम अग्रवाल  आध्यात्मिक  और धार्मिक कार्यों में और बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लेने लगे हैं। वो बताते हैं  कि कई मौकों पर वो भगवान कृष्ण को अपने अंदर महसूस करते हैं। कान्हा की बाल लीलाओं के मुरीद प्रेम अग्रवाल ने इन्हीं यादों को भजन के तौर पर संजोया है।

प्रेम अग्रवाल मानते हैं कि कान्हा बचपन से ही जीनियस थे और एक बेहद सधे हुए वैज्ञानिक थे। मगर अपने मित्रों के लिए वो हर तरह के अहंकार से दूर थे। उन्होंने अपने बाल सखा सुदामा के पैर भी धोने में कोई अपमान नहीं समझा और अर्जुन के लिए रथ के सारथि का किरदार चुना। किसी भी तरह के अहंकार को इतने शानदार तरीके से जीतने का दूसरा उदाहरण पूरे इतिहास में कहीं नहीं मिलता।

एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट  और गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया के संस्थापक   और अवार्ड विनिंग डायरेक्टर सोनू त्यागी बताते हैं कि प्रेम अग्रवाल के साथ भगवान श्री कृष्ण के इस एलबम पर तेजी से काम चल रहा है और जल्द  ही वीडियो के शूट की तैयारी पूरी करने की उम्मीद है। उन्होंने बताया कि गो स्प्रिच्युअल और एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट साथ-साथ एक मंच पर नजर नहीं आते हैं। मगर इस  भजन में आध्यात्मिकता भी है और एंटरटेनमेंट भी इसीलिए इस प्रोजेक्ट में दोनों  संस्थान मिलकर काम कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रेम अग्रवाल के बाकी भजनों को भी संगीत से संवारने से लेकर वीडियो तैयार करने की उनकी योजना है।

Sonu Tyagi, Founder, Go Spiritual India & Approach Entertainment

गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया एक सामाजिक और आध्यात्मिक संस्था है जो की समाज सेवा , आध्यात्मिक जागरूकता , आध्यात्मिक पर्यटन , मीडिया , इवेंट्स , आर्गेनिक उत्पादों , मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और वैलनेस के कार्य करती है।

एप्रोच एंटरटेनमेंट एक अवार्ड विनिंग अग्रणी सेलिब्रिटी मैनेजमेंट , फिल्म निर्माण , विज्ञापन और कॉर्पोरेट फिल्म निर्माण, इवेंट्स, फिल्म मार्केटिंग और एंटरटेनमेंट मार्केटिंग कंपनी है .जल्द ही गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया एक डिजिटल पत्रिका लांच कर रही है। कुछ दिनों में गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया पत्रिका को मासिक प्रिन्ट रूप में भी लांच किया जायेगा। इसके साथ ही साथ गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया आध्यात्मिकता के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया वेब टीवी भी लांच करेगी जो की भारतीय आध्यात्मिकता को पुरे विश्व में पहुचायेगा। 

गो स्पिरिचुअल इंडिया के यूट्यूब चैनल को यहाँ देखे और सब्सक्राइब करे


Go Spiritual India :

Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity, Organic, Spiritual Tourism, Events, Media, and Social Causes.

Go Spiritual India is an Initiative of Approach Entertainment. Approach Entertainment is India’s Leading Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment Marketing Company. The company also has a PR & Integrated Communications Agency Approach Communications apart from a Bollywood Newswire, Approach Bollywood.

Watch & Share Go Spiritual India Intro Video

Go Spiritual India Intro Video Produced by Approach Entertainment

Approach Entertainment is having its operations in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Chandigarh Jalandhar and Dehradun.

Go Spiritual India Organization Website :           www.gospiritualindia.org 

Go Spiritual India Magazine :                                  www.gospiritualindia.in

Go Spiritual India Store :                                         www.gospiritualindia.com

Our Group Companies

Approach Entertainment Celebrity Management :  www.approachentertainment.com

Approach Entertainment Films Productions :          www.approachentertainment.net

Approach Bollywood                                          :            www.approachbollywood.com

Approach Communications                              :           www.approachcommunications.net


The Reality Show Winner Kiran Sachdev is exclusive to Approach Entertainment

MUMBAI:. Approach Entertainment India’s leading Celebrity, Artists & Talent Management agency has recently added Kiran Sachdev in their Talent Management Portfolio to kick upstairs the Winner of “ Airtel Desh ki Awaaz” (a singing reality show) in the Entertainment Industry. Kiran Sachdev has a perfect voice with right mixture of emotions and expression in her singing. Approach Entertainment will be representing Kiran Sachdev for the Corporate & Social Events, Concerts and Live shows while the main focus will be on Playback Singing for Films in Bollywood. Kiran Sachdev has also performed internationally in Germany, UK and other countries.

Approach Entertainment, India’s leading Celebrity, Artists and Talent Management Agency will officially handle the portfolio of Kiran Sachdev to upgrade it and elevate in the Bollywood Film Industry. Kiran Sachdev is the Winner of Singing Reality Show named “Airtel Desh ki Awaaz” in 2008, Approach Entertainment  will be responsible to endorse her in the Bollywood Industry for Playback Singing, along with representing her for performances in Live Concerts and Events, Brand Endorsement etc. She has sung for south Indian films as well apart from Bollywood mainstream Hindi films.

Kiran Sachdev born in a Punjabi Family is a Singer by profession and currently performing on various International Venues like Germany, London etc. She was introduced to music & singing at the age of 6 by her father Mr. Vikram Sachdev a Mumbai Resident working for Indian & Western Railway. Kiran has been learning Classical Music from her childhood and pursued in London College of Trinity for the Western Classic Music. She has won the title of ‘Airtel Desh Ki Awaaz’ in 2008 and also secured the position in the ‘Sa Re Ga Ma’ Finalist. As a perfect blend of sulkiness with Indian Voice with just the right expression of any emotion she has also been nominated in the GIMA (Global Indian Music Awards) in the Category of Non Film Music alongside legends like Lata Ji and Jagjit Singh Ji.

Talking about the talent of Kiran Sachdev, Mr. Vikram Sachdev, Kiran’s father says, “Kiran since her childhood has been interested in Music & Singing. This made her win various awards when she was in School and College.” Kiran Sachdev has also given her voice to Balaji Telefilms, Tiger Style UK, Times of India and performed on various Music Shows on different Channels added Mr. Vikram Sachdev.

Talking about the sign up, Sonu Tyagi, CEO Approach Entertainment says “Kiran just has the perfect voice and expression combination as a God gift to her and we will be using this quality to promote and build up her profile in the Entertainment Sector and Bollywood Industry”. Adding on this he said, “Kiran has performed on different international platforms and also done various TV Shows like Gazal Sara, Antakshari, Kya Masti Kya Dhoom etc. Therefore it will give us a positive base to endorse her in the Industry and upgrading her portfolio”.

Approach Entertainment is India’s leading and Award winning Celebrity Management and Entertainment Company set up in 2011 with its Head Office in Mumbai and branch offices in New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Dehradun, Chandigarh and Jalandhar. Approach Entertainment is having specialized units in Celebrity and Talent Management, Films Productions, Advertising and Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Integrated Entertainment services. The fast growing entertainment company also bagged “ The Bizz India 2010 Award” in Entrepreneurial category given by World Confederation of Business. The company is part of Integrated PR and Marketing Communications group Approach Communications which is having divisions in PR and Corporate Communications, Entertainment, Digital, Rural Marketing and Business Events. Celebrity Management Division of the agency is handling management affairs for Bollywood Stars, Singers, Artists and Celebrities.

Approach Entertainment Group has also launched a Bollywood Newswire and Content Dissemination company, Approach Bollywood. Approach Bollywood is a specialized entertainment newswire which will disseminate content to Newspapers, Magazines, TV Channels, Websites, Apps and other digital avenues.

The group is also having a spiritual & philanthropic initiative Go Spiritual India. Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity, Organic, Spiritual Tourism, Events, Media,and Social Causes.

Go Spiritual India Visit at www.gospiritualindia.org

For more Info:

Sonu Tyagi at Approach Entertainment: 9820965004


Visit us at www.approachentertainment.com  &  www.approachentertainment.net 

Award Winning Celebrity Management Company ‘Approach Entertainment’ to Strengthen its North India Operations

Mumbai: Leading & Award Winning Films Productions,  Celebrity Management, Celebrity Brand Endorsements Solutions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing,  Events and Entertainment Marketing   company Approach Entertainment (www.approachentertainment.com  )  is planning to strengthen its North India operations. The company is having its offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Chandigarh, Dehradun & Jalandhar.  The Chandigarh office will serve as the main center for Himachal, Haryana, Punjab & Jammu & Kashmir.

The fast growing Celebrity Management and Celebrity brand endorsements solutions company in India with full fledged verticals in Advertising and Corporate Films Productions, Bollywood Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events Management and Entertainment Marketing services is strengthening its team in New Delhi, Gurugram, Dehradun, Chandigarh & Jalandhar. The company is on a hiring spree for its group companies for its group companies like Approach Communications, Approach Bollywood and its spiritual & philanthropic initiative Go Spiritual India.

Approach Entertainment is a leading Celebrity Management company in India offering integrated solutions in Celebrity Management, Celebrity Brand Endorsements, Celebrity Tie Ups, Celebrity Advertising, Celebrity Advertising Films Productions, Celebrity Appearances and Performances and other integrated celebrity management solutions. The fast growing celebrity management agency in India is working with Bollywood, TV, Music, Sports, Performing Artists and regional films celebrities. The company is already representing few bollywood stars, sports celebrities, TV artists, Music Celebrities and Artists and famous celebrities from other walks of life.

Now Mumbai headquartered  Approach Entertainment will strengthen its team in its office locations in North India. The company is presently having its offices in New Delhi, Gurugram, Dehradun,  Chandigarh and Chandigarh in north India. All these offices are offering services in Celebrity Management, Artists Management, Events Management, Films Productions, Celebrity Brand Endorsements solutions, Advertising and Corporate Films Productions, Films and Movie Marketing and other integrated services. The company is planning to add on to the existing team of people with an objective to consolidate its position in North India which is having immense potential for the entertainment business. The company has recently started Line Productions division in Uttarakhand, Punjab, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh & Haryana.

The fast growing celebrity management, Films Productions and entertainment marketing company in India is a part of integrated marketing communications group Approach Communications. The group has also launched a Bollywood newswire & content dissemination company, Approach Bollywood. The company is hiring people in Celebrity Management, Public Relations,  Films Productions, Advertising Films Productions, Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment Marketing verticals.

The celebrity management solutions company and entertainment marketing firm will be offering Celebrity Management , Celebrity Brand Endorsements Management,  Artists Management, Celebrity Performances, Events Management, Entertainment, Bollywood Tourism and Tours, Films Productions, Entry in the Hindi film industry, casting for Bollywood Films, Indian celebrities tours in International Markets, Promotions of Films in International Cities, Connecting NRIs with Hindi Film Industry, Bollywood Films Events and Promotions, Shootings Management in International Cities, Celebrity connect and other integrated entertainment services.

Commenting on the initiative, Sonu TyagiCEO, Approach Entertainment, said “As we are already present in 5 cities in north India with our own  offices, it is the right time to aggressively consolidate our position in north India with strengthening the team focusing on new business development in the region, managing and growing celebrity management solutions business, identifying new markets and building new capabilities in events management and expanding in films productions vertical focusing on Advertising and Corporate films productions. Our team in our offices in Gurgaon, New Delhi, Dehradun ,  Chandigarh & Jalandhar is ready for the expansion and we will consolidate our position in Celebrity management, Films productions, Advertising Films Productions, Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, events and entertainment business”.

Sonu Tyagi , Approach Entertainment Visit at www.sonutyagi.com

He further added “We have got sound network in Celebrity Management, Artists Management, Events, Films PR and Entertainment Marketing in India and this is right time to tap International markets available for Bollywood Celebrities and Artists. We want to tap the huge NRI population residing in Dubai, Gulf Countries, London in UK, New York in USA, Mauritius, Malaysia and other countries. We have already worked with all top celebrities, artists and film producers in India and it gives us edge over others in the market. The firm has also launched a specialized films marketing unit in Mumbai.”

Sonu Tyagi is an award winning writer , director and producer with his background in Journalism and Advertising world. He has worked with top media houses and advertising agencies in the past. He has been directing advertising films, music videos, short films and viral films. He is also going to produce and direct a bollywood film soon and working on a web series.

Approach Entertainment is an entrepreneurial venture of young media and communications professional Sonu Tyagi who had worked with leading advertising agencies before launching his own PR and Communications firm Approach Communications at a very young age of 24. The company launched its entertainment division, Approach Entertainment in 2011 focusing on Celebrity Management, Celebrity Brand Endorsements Management, Films Productions, Advertising and Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events Management and other integrated entertainment solutions.

Approach Entertainment     has  already worked  leading corporate companies, entertainment, healthcare and pharma, fmcg and  social sector clients. The agency is present in 7 cities of India with its headquarters in Mumbai and branch offices in New Delhi, Gurgaon, Goa,  Dehradun, Chandigarh and Jalandhar. Company’s New Delhi office is covering its Noida operations as well. The fast growing group has handled accounts like Mahindra, Pidilite, Maharashtra Agro, Eicher Tractors,  Vistaar Group,  Dr. Morepen Ltd, Bajaj Auto Ltd,  Rathi Thermax, U.S.Writopia, SOS Children’s Villages of India, Aaliya Productions, Greentech Foundation, General Motors, Sutlej Motors Ltd, Malaysian Promotion Council, Handicapped Care Foundation, FMCG International , Jhankar Television, JMD Group among others. Approach Entertainment is a leading Celebrity Management and Celebrity Brand Endorsements solutions company in India.

Contact for More Info:  Sonu Tyagi at Approach Entertainment

Mumbai: 9820965004

Email: approachentertainment@gmail.com

Visit us at www.approachentertainment.com and www.approachentertainment.net 

Go Spiritual India Launches YouTube Channel

India’s Leading Spiritual & Philanthropic organization Go Spiritual India has launched its YouTube Channel. Go Spiritual India YouTube channel will feature Spiritual, Motivational, Wellness, Mental Health and Well being, Organic, Spiritual and Healthy Food, Philanthropic and Social service, spiritual, religious and wellness tourism, spiritual events, Spiritual News & happenings, spiritual and related books reviews and other spiritual content.

The Go Spiritual India YouTube channel will also launch ‘Go Spiritual India’ weekly show soon. The Go Spiritual India show will be hosted by Writer / Director & Go Spiritual India Founder Sonu Tyagi. The Go Spiritual India show will feature Spiritual Personalities Interviews, news and features and other interesting spiritual and human interest content.  The spiritual organization is also launching its digital magazine ‘Go Spiritual India’ soon and will also launch a print magazine later. In addition to Digital & Print Magazine, the organization will also launch Go Spiritual India Web TV.

Watch Go Spiritual India YouTube Channel Here:


Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity, Organic, Spiritual Tourism, Events, Media, and Social Causes. Go Spiritual India is an initiative of Approach Entertainment. Approach Entertainment is a Full Fledged award winning Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment marketing company with offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Jalandhar & Chandigarh.

Commenting on Go Spiritual India YouTube channel, Magazine and Web TV plans, SonuTyagi, Founder, Go Spiritual India said, “Go Spiritual India is a leading spiritual organization in India which has been working on spirituality and philanthropy both. We have launched Go Spiritual India YouTube channel now and will also launch our digital and print magazines soon. We are also planning to launch 24 hours Go Spiritual India Web TV soon.  The Go Spiritual India Weekly show will be launched on Go Spiritual India YouTube channel first and it will be also available on our Magazine website www.gospiritualindia.in

Spirituality is not about a particular religion. Neither is it about gods and rituals only. Spirituality is a principled way of life; it’s an attitude. There are a dozen attributes to life, to building a positive attitude, embedded in the very word ‘Spirituality’. Go Spiritual India campaign is to build up that spiritual attitude and imbibing spiritual way of life taking care of mind, body & soul. Go Spiritual India believes in this philosophy. Go Spiritual India & Approach Entertainment has also launched the Go Spiritual campaign recently.

The TVC & Digital Go Spiritual Film has been launched on digital platforms & TV Channels. The series of Ad Films were shot in Rishikesh & the entire Uttarakhand and are aggressively being promoted now on social and digital media with an objective to reach a world audience. Go spiritual campaign will promote India as a spiritual destination to the world.

The TVC & Digital Film focuses on the spiritual way of living and will be showcasing the Go Spiritual India’s activities in Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity campaigns in Blanket Donation & Hunger Eradication, Spiritual Tourism, Spiritual Events, Promoting Go Spiritual Organic Food Products, Go Spiritual Ayurveda, Health & Spiritual Products, Spiritual Media activities like Go Spiritual India Magazine, Spiritual Publications, and other social causes.

The first film in the Go Spiritual India campaign features various Spiritual activities in India like Meditation, Holy River Ganga, Rishikesh, Aarti, Yoga, Organic Food, Food Donation, Blanket Donation, Himalaya, Ayurveda, Naturopathy & panchakarma.     

Watch Go Spiritual India ‘Go Spiritual ‘Film here:

Go Spiritual India is a not for profit spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual awareness, Spiritual tourism, Spiritual Media, Organic Food, Spiritual events, Go Spiritual India E-commerce store, ‘Go Spiritual’ Spiritual Products,  ‘Go Spiritual’ Ayurveda & Health Products, Spiritual Publications & Mental Health. The entire revenue created through different activities will be used for philanthropic & social service activities.

Go Spiritual India has been working on hunger eradication & food donation with its initiative India against Hunger. It is also working on Blanket Donation Campaign to save lives of homeless and destitute in winters across India. Go Spiritual India is also taking an initiative for the welfare of senior citizens. The organization will be creating awareness about Spirituality through Media, Events, Digital & Films.

Go Spiritual India will be promoting spiritual tourism in the country with its special events, retreats, and other initiatives. Go Spiritual India has already launched an Online Magazine Go Spiritual India and will be launching a monthly print edition soon. It also plans to launch Go Spiritual India web TV soon.

Go Spiritual India is also launching organic food, spiritual, Ayurveda and health products under its Go Spiritual brand and an e-commerce store Go Spiritual India. The publication division will launch spiritual books.

For More Information:

Approach Communications

Call us at 9820965004 / 9716962242

Mail us at gospiritualindia@gmail.com

Visit us at www.gospiritualindia.org & www.approachentertainment.com

Approach Entertainment, Go Spiritual India Launch the ‘Go Spiritual’ Campaign

Award-winning Films Productions and Celebrity Management Company, Approach Entertainment has produced a series of TVC Campaign & Digital Film for the Spiritual organization Go Spiritual India. Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity, Organic, Spiritual Tourism, Events, Media, Publications & Social Causes. The Go Spiritual campaign has been launched to create awareness about the spiritual way of life & it’s spiritual & philanthropic activities.

Spirituality is not about a particular religion. Neither is it about gods and rituals only. Spirituality is a principled way of life; it’s an attitude. There are a dozen attributes to life, to building a positive attitude, embedded in the very word ‘Spirituality’. Go Spiritual India campaign is to build up that spiritual attitude and imbibing spiritual way of life taking care of mind, body & soul.  

Approach Entertainment is a Full Fledged award winning Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment marketing company with offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa & Chandigarh.  

The TVC & Digital Film will be launched on digital platforms & TV Channels. The series of Ad Films were shot in Rishikesh & the entire Uttarakhand and will be aggressively promoted now on social and digital media with an objective to reach a world audience. Go spiritual campaign will promote India as a spiritual destination to the world.

The TVC & Digital Film focuses on the spiritual way of living and will be showcasing the Go Spiritual India’s activities in Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Charity campaigns in Blanket Donation & Hunger Eradication, Spiritual Tourism, Spiritual Events, Promoting Go Spiritual Organic Food Products, Go Spiritual Ayurveda, Health & Spiritual Products, Spiritual Media activities like Go Spiritual India Magazine, Spiritual Publications, and other social causes.

The first film in the Go Spiritual India  campaign features various Spiritual activities in India like Meditation, Holy River Ganga, Rishikesh Aarti, Yoga, Organic Food, Food Donation, Blanket Donation, Himalaya, Ayurveda, Naturopathy & panchakarma.     

Commenting on TVC & Digital Campaign, Sonu Tyagi, Director, Approach Entertainment said, “Go Spiritual India is a leading spiritual organization in India which has been working on spirituality and philanthropy both. The Go Spiritual Campaign has been created with an objective to promote Indian spirituality and spiritual way of life in the world. The world has changed after covid and it has affected the mental wellbeing of all of us. Spirituality and going spiritual can help in a big way so we thought of calling the campaign Go Spiritual.  The TVC & Digital Film has come out very well and being appreciated by the spiritual world & all audiences alike.  ”

Go Spiritual India is a not for profit spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual awareness, Spiritual tourism, Spiritual Media, Organic Food, Spiritual events, Go Spiritual India E-commerce store, ‘Go Spiritual’ Spiritual Products,  ‘Go Spiritual’ Ayurveda & Health Products, Spiritual Publications & Mental Health. The entire revenue created through different activities will be used for philanthropic & social service activities.

Go Spiritual India has been working on hunger eradication & food donation with its initiative India against Hunger. It is also working on Blanket Donation Campaign to save lives of homeless and destitute in winters across India. Go Spiritual India is also taking an initiative for the welfare of senior citizens. The organization will be creating awareness about Spirituality through Media, Events, Digital & Films.

Go Spiritual India will be promoting spiritual tourism in the country with its special events, retreats, and other initiatives. Go Spiritual India has already launched an Online Magazine Go Spiritual India and will be launching a monthly print edition soon. It also plans to launch Go Spiritual India TV in the future.

Go Spiritual India is also launching organic food, spiritual, Ayurveda and health products under its Go Spiritual brand and an e-commerce store Go Spiritual India. The publication division will launch spiritual books.

For More Information:

Approach Communications

Call us at 9820965004 / 9716962242

Visit us at www.approachentertainment.com & www.approachentertainment.net

Celebrity Management Company Approach Entertainment Engages Tanushree Dutta for Doha Qatar Club Event

Approach Communications Bags the Social media mandate for asheray

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Approach Communications Bags the Social & Digital mandate of Asheray Welfare & Charitable Society

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Mumbai:  Approach Communications’s network digital agency, Approach Digital has bagged the social and digital mandate of Asheray Welfare & Charitable Society. The fast-growing digital marketing agency recently launched a specialized division for NGO and Social sector. Approach Digital is a Digital marketing unit of Approach Communications group. Approach Digital offers expertise based solutions in Social Media, Search Engine Marketing, Viral and Digital Campaigns and integrated digital marketing services.

Asheray Welfare and Charitable Society is a non – political, non–sectarian and non–profit making voluntary organization formed in the year of 2005. The Organization is devoted to the cause of upliftment and welfare of women and children from the underprivileged sections of society. The major activity area of the organization is women empowerment, education, Vocational Training for Employment, Non Formal Education, Health Care and Awareness and sensitization.

Till date organization has impacted the lives of more than 30, 000 women from the marginalized community through empowering them and enhancing their skills in the job-oriented courses with support from corporate and government. The Goal of the organization is to impart train adolescent girls and women from the SC/OBC community living in urban slums in the vocational skills and make them eligible for wage/self-employment. Thus empowering them and making them economically independent.

Speaking on the development, Sonu Tyagi, Director of Approach Communications, said, “As we just launched the specialized unit for NGO & Social sector, the Asheray account is just a beginning of our excellent work in Social and Digital Marketing. Approach Communications has already worked on the PR account of leading NGOs and social sector organizations. Approach Digital will do the same outstanding work in Digital marketing and social media. With this account, we hope to add other NGOs and social organizations in our kitty with a primary objective of bringing change through our campaigns.”

The fast growing agency is already working in different sectors for leading companies and already launched verticals in Healthcare, education, social, SME, corporate, FMCG and real estate. The social vertical was recently launched for social communications. The social vertical of the agency will be a specialized unit for social media and communications. The agency will be offering integrated solutions in PR and Marketing communications for NGOs and other social organizations.

Approach Communications Group also has a Films Productions and Celebrity Management company, Approach Entertainment. Approach Entertainment is a Full Fledged Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment Marketing unit of Approach Communications group. Approach Communications is also having a Bollywood Newswire & Portal, Approach Bollywood. Approach Entertainment is an award winning films productions and entertainment marketing company producing films, advertising films, music videos and web series.

Approach Communications bagged the ‘The Biz India 2010’ Award given by the World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB), an international organization, which for the first time awarded many Indian companies with this prestigious award. The fast-growing communications group also bagged Service Excellence Award given by World Marketing Organization.

Headquartered in Mumbai, India’s leading PR and Integrated Communications group , Approach Communications works for Corporate, Finance,  SME, Healthcare and pharma, FMCG, Films and Entertainment, real estate, art and other sectors. The fast growing media and communications group is having own offices in Mumbai, Gurgaon, New Delhi, Dehradun, Chandigarh, Jalandhar,  Goa & Kolkata.

For More Info: Approach Communications

Mail at info@approachcommunications.net & info@approachentertainment.com

Visit us at www.approachcommunications.net & www.approachentertainment.net

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Celebrity Management Company Approach Entertainment Engages Payal Rohatgi for an Event in Goa

Mumbai: Approach Entertainment ( www.approachentertainment.com  ) has engaged  Bollywood actress and Big Boss Participant Payal Rohatgi for an Event in Cidade Resort, Goa. Approach Entertainment is an award winning films productions, celebrity management, advertising & corporate films productions, films marketing, events and entertainment marketing company with offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Goa, Gurugram, Chandigarh, Dehradun & Jalandhar.

Rohatgi made her Bollywood debut in 2002 with Harry Baweja’s Yeh Kya Ho Raha Hai?, a Hindi remake of the Hollywood teen flick American Pie.  She appeared in the films, Plan (2003), Police Force(2003) and Rakht (2004).

In 2006, she got her breakthrough with the film 36 China Town, also starring Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, and Paresh Rawal. Later that year, she appeared in the critically acclaimed Corporate, in which she played the part of an item girl.

In 2007, her first release was Priyadarshan’s Dhol.  She played the second lead character, paired opposite Arbaaz Khan.

In 2008, she was seen in a cameo opposite Ranvir Shorey in PNC film Ugly Aur Pagli which was released in August. In mid-September, she appeared opposite Irrfan Khan in the TV18 film Dil Kabaddi. She played the role of an aerobics instructor in the film. In August 2008, Rohatgi appeared in season 2 of the reality television show, Bigg Boss on Colors TV as a contestant.

Approach Communications has set up a specialized division ‘Approach Entertainment’ for Celebrity Management, Films Productions, Advertising & Corporate Films Productions, Films Marketing, Events and Entertainment Marketing. Approach Communications is a leading PR & Integrated Communications Agency, offering PR, Media Relations, Image Management, Events and Promotions, Digital PR and Internet Marketing and In-film Advertising services to its MNC and Corporate client base, apart from other Communications services like Brand Management, Public Affairs services. The firm is one of the reputed PR Agency in India and has worked in Entertainment PR Sector in the past serving film productions houses and some noted celebrities.

Commenting on the Celebrity, Artists and Talent Management initiative, Sonu TyagiCEO, Approach Entertainment, said Approach Entertainment believes in Integrated Celebrity Management and Entertainment solutions and we have worked in Film and Celebrity management in the past. From some time now, we have been developing our capabilities in Events, below the line promotions, online PR and Digital Marketing and celebrity management is our new initiative in this direction. We will not only offer Celebrity Management and Engagement services but we will also focus on Celebrity PR and Promotions services as well. The firm has already signed few performing artists to market exclusively. The agency is also planning to sign up some Bollywood personalities exclusively.

Approach Entertainment is headed by award-winning writer / director Sonu Tyagi who has his background in Journalism and Advertising. The company is now also foraying into Bollywood Film Productions with its first Hindi film project in 2021. The company will be announcing the film project soon and the work is already going on the script and pre-production. The fast-growing Celebrity Management and entertainment marketing company also bagged “The Bizz India 2010 Award” in the Entrepreneurial category given by the World Confederation of Business. Approach Entertainment also bagged prestigious Service Excellence award from World Marketing Organization.

Approach Entertainment, have already handled leading fmcg, corporate, healthcare & pharma, finance, real estate, tourism, entertainment and social sector clients. The agency is present in 7 cities of India with its headquarters in Mumbai and branch offices in New Delhi, Gurugram, Goa, Chandigarh, Dehradun and Jalandhar. The fast growing Celebrity Management and Entertainment Marketing agency has handled accounts like Mahindra, Pidilite, Elder Pharma, Ashley Madison, Gaursons, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority, PHD Chamber of Commerce,  Dr. Morepen Ltd, Bajaj Auto Ltd,  Rathi Thermax, U.S.Writopia, SOS Children’s Villages of India, Aaliya Productions, Greentech Foundation, General Motors, Sutlej Motors Ltd, Malaysian Promotion Council, Handicapped Care Foundation, FMCG International , Jhankar Television, JMD Group among others.

Contact for More Info:

Sonu Tyagi at  Approach Entertainment

Mumbai: 9820965004

Email: approachentertainment@gmail.com

Visit us at www.approachentertainment.com and www.approachentertainment.net 

Entertainment Marketing Company Approach Entertainment to Foray into Films Marketing Services